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(See any Available pups/dogs below)

So we like dogs! We also realize that the concept of a Guardian Home may be one that you have never heard of before. That said, we do not and will not run a kennel-like operation at our home. We maintain a clean and healthy home and environment for our family, friends, and for our dogs. All of our dogs that do reside here are a part of our family. In fact, some of our companion dogs are neutered and are not breeders at all, but only beloved members of our family!

We want our dogs to have the best, our children to enjoy and progress from our endeavor, and in turn, our owners will have a happy, well-adjusted puppies. We realize how daunting adopting a puppy can be as we have been through it ourselves! We truly love this breed, and believe in the position we have taken in nurturing them. They are wonderful and distinct breeds that make fantastic family companions. By being a Guardian Family, you can help us to further share these dogs with others. In addition you will acquire one of your very own at littler to NO COST, if you could otherwise not afford one, and would simply rather pay the price of merely loving it as your pet! We sometimes also compensate you for your time each time you baby has or sires a litter! We keep or acquire only the best of the lines for potential breeders, so you would be getting only the finest of a breed that is already known for its overall quality. So If you live within 60 minutes of the Sacramento/Placer area, and are interested in this opportunity, let us know, and we can send you an application for Guardianship ot you can download it below and email it to us!

We take our philosophy of dog/puppy rearing very seriously, and have on-going and positive relationships with each Guardian Family, and each of them takes excellent care of their dog(s)! We are are so grateful to each of these families with which we share these dogs and we appreciate the loving environment they provide to each of them. We hope that after consideration and talking with us, that you might want to be a Guardian Home as well. We take careful consideration when placing any puppy or dog with anyone, to ensure that the pup is right for you, and you for the pup. If you would like to learn more about how you might acquire one of our pups by being a Guardian Home, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you are interested in aquiring one of our pups through being a part of our Guardian Program, please contact us and we can discuss Guardianship with you, and add you to any Wait List! We can also connect you to our current Guardians so they can tell you how acquiring a pup has worked for them!

Available Pups/Dogs

I AM be seeking a few great Guardian Homes to raise and co-own our latest Mom and Dad Hopefuls to our Program .

I am seeking Guardian Homes for the babies in a few litters Below.... We are ALWAYS taking applications and lining up families for upcoming Guardian Furbabies!

       ♥              Piper's Litter                                 Bambi's Litter                     

See Guardian Homes page for more info and contact us to request an application. Must be local :)

Please submit the Guardian App if interested in providing a Forever home at NO COST for one of our Furbabies and participating in our Guardian Home Program!

Download Guardian Application Here

Read this Guardian Homes page for more info and contact us to request an application. Must be local :)

Must be Local to Roseville Rocklin Lincoln Sacramento area - whithin 60 minutes, one adult should stay at home or work mainly from home, children preferred! Contact Christina for details!

Download Guardian Application Here

 Roonie has FOUND his Forever Guardian Home!

More Furbabies will be seeking Guardian homes with someone like you!!


Download Guardian Application Here

Oreos litter "Lindhaus" Homed!        Elektra's Litter ("Syrah" Homed!)     Mable's Litter- Homed!


These babies below were already placed in fab Guardian Homes!!!

1 1 1 1 1 1

A HUGE THANK YOU to ALL of our WONDERFUL Guardian families below who continue to provide such great "Forever Homes" for their furry family members! We can feel good about what we do BECAUSE of ALL of YOU, and could NOT do this with out you! These are some of them!

Lilly Anne lives with her great family here in Lincoln and her main girl Gabby!

Sienna lives with her fantastic fam the Johnsons and is great at catching a frisbee if anyone is wondering!

Trixie (they call her Stella, but we already have another Stella) is living with the Maloney Family!! Buddy Lives with the Danielsons! They have even added another baby boy to the mix since this photo! Yippee!

Jinger and Nala are livin the with the Frankel family up the street and around the corner! Thank goodness she is an amazing photgrapher as well as an amazing mommy! Ok...Your family is kinda irritating in its perfection....geez....

www.alexandrafrankel.com (photography)


Rubydoo went to live with Diane and Kevin in Folsom, and it looks as though she loves them as much as they love her! ..Stella Lives with the Tironas in El Dorado Hills! Don't tell her, but I think she is spoiled! haha!
Ireland lives with her great Forever Family the Watrous' in Sacramento! She has a new Pug buddy Weezer! Lucy is living her great mommy Nancy in Rocklin. Nancy is doing a great job of training her to be the best dog she can be!
Ginger (Bella) lives with the Peck Family in Roseville. She loves her new best friend Sammy, and Sammy loves her too! Scout lives with his awesome family the Frosts in Roseville. They hope to also have a Trained Comapnion Service dog as well one day!
Blaze (now Hilo Joe Cocker) lives with the Middletons in Rockin and his buds Kona and Jack! I think he even has a MaiTai! OWEN lives with the Lyons in Lincoln. He has turned out to be the perfect dog for his new perfect family!


First Zoe....and then 8 months later on a "supposed cookie drop off", Phoebe, went home also with the Sweenies! LOL! Neither one of could resist! If they wanted her...there was NO WAY I was going to pass up a GREAT family for her!!! HAHA!



Cleo lives w her wonderful family in Sacramento! She always has somwhere to go and someone to see! Cali lives with the Kirkhams in Lincoln! She has a family of of Doodles to play with and she LOVES to swim as much as she is allowed!!


PollyAnna (now Violet) is now retired and living with the Ciampi Family and her new Goldendoodle buddy Scooby in WA! Kona lives lives with the Hansons near the City by the Bay...she's in there somewhere!!! Oh man...this fam CRACKS ME UPPP!!!!!!!

This Program ONLY works BECAUSE of all these WONDERFUL families and MORE!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! TOTAL AWESOMENESS!

We may have more pups/adult dogs available as well that are not yet pictured - Just ask!




We can send pictures of other potential candidates as well - contact us if interested!



Contact us for more information

Click to email: ASD Companion Doodles



ASD Companion Doodles